Take Your Line for a Walk: Crayon resist tempera paintings to learn about types of lines.

Texture Monster collages: Recycled material collages exploring a variety of textures.

Alphabet Soup oil pastel resist with watercoloring markers to create a patterned placemat and napkin. 

Hot Dogs and Cool Cats: Practicing warm and cool colors with watercoloring markers. 

"Elmer" by David McKee inspired tissue paper collages.

Kandinsky Concentric Circles: Oil pastel resist with tempera cake paint.

Paper Weaving: Learning the basic vocabulary including over and under, loom, warp, and weft.

Paper Playgrounds: 3D line sculptures inspired by the large scale sculptures at Storm King Art Center by artists such as Alexander Calder, Mark di Suvero, and Alexander Liberman.


"Color Zoo" by Lois Ehlert inspired animal collages. 

What's Inside Your Imagination?: Students brainstormed the contents of their imagination, had portraits taken of them, and created a tissue paper collage. 

"Colors of Us" by Karen Katz: Students mixed and painted their unique skin tones and hair colors, learned about facial proportions, explored textures with painted paper, and assembled all components as a collage.


Sandra Silberzweig / Pablo Picasso inspired chalk pastel portraits exploring analogous colors, complementary colors, and pattern.

Textured Landscape Collages: Students painted paper using different techniques and tools to create a layered landscape.

Alter Ego Superhero Masks: Students invented their alter ego and designed a symmetrical mask using 3D paper construction techniques.


Family Tradition Prints: After reading "Family Pictures" by Carmen Lomas Garza, students reflected on their family traditions and created a styrofoam plate. Students made several prints to create a book including a story of their tradition. 

Papier Mache Planets: While studying the solar system in their classrooms, students worked collaboratively to build and paint the planets to create a class model of the solar system.

Japanese Notans: Students designed symmetrical and asymmetrical notans. They also provided their peers with feedback during a post-it note critique. They each left compliments, questions, and "next time try..." comments on post-it notes.   

Yarn Weavings


Ugly Monsters: Students developed unique characters, designed patterns, and sewed felt and fabric creatures using needles and thread. 

Tunnel Books: Students learned about foreground, middle ground, and background. They considered freezing a frame of their favorite landscape or scene, and using colored pencils created these 3D books.

Olympic Movement: Students practiced figure drawing using images of athletes and videos from the 2018 Winter Olympics. Once they were warmed up, they had an opportunity to model and draw their peers posing like Olympic athletes.