What's in your bag? A Collection of Collections

This project started in my Remade, Recycled, Reclaimed class at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts with Jesseca Ferguson

The project asks the seemingly straightforward question:

What's in your bag?

It explores a collection of collections, the contents found inside bags of all shapes and sizes -- handbags, tote bags, backpacks, messenger bags. The photographs are self-portraits. Each one is composed, arranged, and photographed by its "owner". When asked the question, reactions were mixed. Some opened their bags up right away, and others were hesitant -- "nothing interesting here" or "let me clean it out first".

I am curious about what people carry around all day. What are their essentials? What does their bag collect over the course of a day? How do the contents reflect their owners, or put simply:

What does your stuff say about you?

If you would like to be included in the collection, please contact me here or @acollectionofcollections.